Hey friends,

Ever wished you could effortlessly warm up any ice-cold social situation? Or just be that really confident and beautiful person who lights up the room? 

One of the best-kept secrets in Hollywood is that anyone can become beautiful. The key to beauty that transcends mere aesthetics is charisma. The good news is that research has found that charisma is a learnable skill, a muscle you can work on. The more you practice, the better you become.

Here is the roadmap to becoming a charismatic and magnetic person who can charm and build connections anywhere:

1) Prepare to meet the moment

Just like you wouldn’t wing it at an important meeting at work, prepare before a social gathering. 

Dress the part because first impression matters. Headed to a costume party? Lean in to pulling together a thoughtful and cheeky outfit. Going to a black tie event? Don’t be afraid to put on that striking dress or well-fitting tux. Whatever the moment, take the time to dress in an outfit that suits your unique style – an outfit that makes you feel confident and relaxed while also appropriate for the occasion and audience. 

Prepare a rolodex of stories and anecdotes. If quick witted storytelling doesn’t come naturally, reflect beforehand to prepare two interesting anecdotes or stories to share – for example, amusing encounters, fun things you discovered in the city, or stories from traveling. Pop culture is also a nice and inviting safe zone, so read up on major news or trending topics before heading out. 

2) Go in with the right mindset

Manage any social anxiety
by anchoring yourself with a sense of belonging. Know that you are neither beneath nor above anyone and channel a grounded and calming energy. An easy way to do this is learning to love and be genuinely interested in people, instead of seeing them as a threat or someone that you need to impress.

Approach with a mindset of humility and curiosity, recognizing that there is always something new to learn from another person whether it’s their interests or unique life experiences. What you learn comes full circle more often than you think, and the dots will connect in marvelous ways. One can only learn with the intent to listen, so be ready to ask follow-up questions and listen to what people have to say.

3) Be positive, be first to engage

Smile, shake hands, introduce yourself.
An outgoing and warm tone signals to others that you are friendly and approachable. A small (or large) smile, eye contact, and maintaining open body postures go a long way to signal that you are approachable, likeable, and trustworthy.

Don’t be passive and wait for other people to talk to you. By waiting for others, you limit yourself to new possibilities and risk a negative downward spiral. If no one approaches you, you might feel awkward and bad, which makes you want to withdraw, be judgmental to self-protect, and become even more passive until you are completely closed off. So, be positive, be first, and initiate the conversation. 

4) Lean into the art of conversation

Being a good conversationalist is a layered and complex topic, so we are writing a dedicated post to dive deeper into this subject. Until then, try the tips above at your next Wowza Hangout event if this doesn't come naturally for you. Take the time to prepare for the moment, embody the right mindset, be positive & be first are a few powerful things you can apply now to be charismatic.

And remember, like most things in life, the more you practice, the better you become.

Any other tips that have served you well to build your charisma in Wowza Hangouts or other social situations? Let us know and share the wealth!

Wowza Hangout